female web designer sitting in living room with pitbull dog

Meet the founder of italic brands

Welcome to a realm where your brand isn't just a presence but a captivating experience. In a world where attention spans are fleeting, your website needs to do more than just exist; it needs to enthrall and engage. As a seasoned web designer, my commitment goes beyond the aesthetics. I understand the nuances of user experience, ensuring that every click, scroll, and interaction tells a seamless and compelling story. Your website is more than a virtual storefront for your brand; it's a dynamic space where you can build a lasting connection with your audience.

So here’s the backstory…

It all started when I unwrapped a Sony CyberShot (remember those?) with a Carl Zeiss lens for my 12th birthday. I was, and always have been, obsessed with photography….or so I thought. You see, I thought I was going to be the next Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist at the New York Times.

I worked as a photojournalist from 2013-2017 for the Los Angeles Times, The Oregonian, and The DePauw (a tiny college newspaper where I was photo editor for two years) and won a national award for Breaking News Photography from the Society of Professional Journalists in 2016. But then sh*t hit the fan and suddenly the industry I adored became clickbait and a whole lot of jobless journalists.

So naturally, I did what any other overly eager-to-enter-the-workforce college grad does; I took an IT sales job that was dreadfully mundane until I chopped off all my hair, swapped Chicago skyscrapers for Phoenix palm trees, and popped back into the world of creatives.

female web designer in scottsdale, arizona

But it’s strangely all connected

I built my first website in 2014 to showcase my photography portfolio.

I built my second website in 2020 to sell my paintings (I make custom paintings and murals for fun…that’s a story for another time).

I built my third website for a fake clothing company out of boredom in 2021.

All three, I wrote the copy, took the photography, created the graphics, built the brand, and designed the website.

Then, in November of 2021, the shewolfeofwallstreet asked me to design her brand identity and build her website. She had 20,000 followers on Instagram. 2 years later she’s at 278,000+ followers on Instagram and is known as one of the biggest financial creators.

Since then, I’ve helped countess brands develop their identity and build their website.

female web designer holding gold macbook pro laptop outside


I learned commuting, corporate sales, and sexist standards suck. I served steaks to tourists in Tennessee and sushi to snowbirds in Scottsdale until I was able to support myself full-time as a freelance artist. Now, I get to work with some of the most creative and hardworking entrepreneurs revamping their brands, developing and designing their websites, and optimizing their business web functions — all while living in my favorite place, Arizona.